Welcome to ELT Week Peru 2025! A unique event designed to enhance English teachers' pedagogical skills through innovative methodologies, knowledge exchange, and practical resources. 

This event is aimed at all English teachers and ELT programme leaders and managers at all levels (basic education, higher education and teacher training) in collaboration with the Peruvian Ministry of Education.

Themes you Will find at ELT Week Peru

Day 1: ELT in EBR (Basic Education)

  • Continuing Professional Development and Communities of Practice. 
  • The development of communicative skills in Englsih. 
  • Evolution of English exams in connection with artificial intelligence.

Day 2: The Future of English

  • Insights from the global study "The Future of English" . 
  • The CEFR standards and their implications in curriculum design and development. 
  • The importance of technical-normative guidelines in the management of English teaching-learning. 

Day 3: ELT in Initial Teacher Training

  • Rethinking Classroom Assessment: From Theory to Practice 
  • The use of rubrics and class observation in initial teacher training  
  • Lesson planning supported by artificial intelligence. 

Remember, the event is 100% online and free