Candidata IELTS en Lima sonríe y muestra en su celular el portal del candidato de los exámenes internacionales de inglés IELTS

Your IELTS information online at the Candidate Portal

On the IELTS candidate portal you will find the following information about your IELTS English test:

  • your IELTS test date 
  • the location where you will be taking your IELTS English test (available five days before the test)
  • your payment information
  • your contact details
  • your IELTS results
  • free access to the IELTS online preparation IELTS Ready Premium
  • contact information for the British Council IELTS in Lima, Peru
  • Details of how to download Inspera Exam Portal software and test day access code if you take IELTS Online.

Get your IELTS results online

The IELTS Candidate Portal gives you access to your results for both the computer-based and paper-based IELTS test formats. Here's how to access your IELTS score: 

  • IELTS on computer: To access your IELTS English test results in this format, you will only need your email address and password. If you took your IELTS test on computer, log in here.
  • Paper-based IELTS: If you took your paper-based IELTS English test and would like to access your results, simply enter your IELTS test reference number and your email address on the IELTS candidate portal login page. You will find your IELTS reference number in the confirmation email you received from the official IELTS center where you took your English test. Log in here to access your paper IELTS test results.