The first step to making sure you are ready to take your IELTS test is to prepare for it so you know what to expect on the test day.
Our IELTS learning materials will get you acquainted with the test format and also improve your confidence when writing, speaking, reading and listening in English.
Even if you believe you are proficient in English, we recommend that you prepare thoroughly for your test with our free online IELTS test preparation resources.
We know that preparing for your IELTS test can be overwhelming and you may feel confused about where or how to start; that's why we've put together a series of helpful steps to help you get the results you need.
IELTS test preparation: how do I start?
- Take our free online IELTS practice tests.
- Watch our IELTS preparation videos.
- Familiarise yourself with the IELTS test format.
- Join our IELTS online courses.
- Download our free IELTS preparation mobile apps.
Find our complete set of IELTS preparation resources in our IELTS section in Spanish.